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  有些學生一個一個字地閱讀,有時還邊讀邊用手或筆指著字,有的甚至把每個字都譯成漢語,例如:It's a good old American custom to celebrate the first Monday inSeptember as Labour Day and to honour allworkers.這樣做,不僅閱讀速度慢,而且用英語結構堆積起來的漢語句子來理解英語篇章,更會有偏差。
  我們要克服逐字閱讀習慣,逐漸養成一個意群一個意群地閱讀,進而一個整句一個整句閱讀的習慣,如It's good old American custom to celebrate the first Monday In September as Labour Day and to honour allworkers.全句共有21個詞,若逐詞閱讀,眼睛需注視21次,閱讀速度慢,且句子支離破碎。而按意讀,眼睛只需注視3次,這種閱讀注視域比第一種大的多,不僅閱讀速度加快,而且對句子的理解也會更完整、更透徹。
  (1)The Redskins certainly is a very die-hard football team.Every time they play a "must win"game,they seem to find just enough strength to do it.The players never give up.The coach is always confident that the team can win when their backs are against the wall.此短文的主題句就是本文開始第一句話:The Redskins certainly is a very diehard football team.作者一起筆就給讀者提出了想寫什么。即概述開始,隨之詳細解說。
  (2)Hellen Keller was born in 1880. Whenshe was born two years old, she lost her sightand hearing as the result of an illness. In spisteof this, Hellen overcame her handicaps and atlast learned to read and write. In 1886 she became the pupil of Anne Sullivan who taughtHellen to "see" with her fingertips, to "hear"with her feet and hands,and to communicatewith other people. Miss Sullivan succeeded inarousing Hellen' s curiosity and interest byspelling the name of objects into her hand. Atthe end of three years,Hellen had masteredboth the manual and the Braille alphabet.該段的主題句不在起始句而在段落中間:In spiteof this,Hellen overcame her handicaps and atlast to read and write這種類型的語篇,開頭句子往往表述段落要論述的主題,而主題則隨之由引出的句子來表述。
  (3) Trouble, trouble, trouble! First it wasthe tires(輪胎)!I discovered two of themcompletely worn out after only one year' s use.After replacing the tires, the brakes(煞車制動器)went bad.There went 附圖G381M808.JPG150! Just when Ithought everything was working fine,the engineboiled over as I sat in a long line at the toll(過橋收費處)bridge.此段無明顯的主題句,這就要求讀者在閱讀過程中,抓住一些重要的細節和線索,然后再把這些細節和線索有機地聯系起來。從上文中,不難看出,文中所提出的細節,是圍繞car展開的,所以,自然得出結論,本段的topic就是汽車car。
  (4) You often ask"Is there any mail forme? returning home at lunch or dinner time. Ifthere is a letter, you read it eagerly, pleased thatyour friend or relative has thought of you. Otherpeople answer a friendly letter as warmly as youdo!They are happy to be remembered. But ifthe letter you write makes them feel as if youyourself were with them, speaking in your ownfriendly way,they are especially pleased. Youhave given something of yourself.And to beyourself in a letter to a friend is an art you needto master.本段主題句出現在語篇的段尾。當主題句出現在段尾時,語篇常用歸納法撰寫,表述細節的句子在前,概述性的句子在后,并以此結尾。它的目的主要是陳述依據上文的細節,歸納要點或共性以及得出觀點印象或結果。
  (5)Good manners are imprtant in allcoutries,but ways of expressing good mannersare different from country to country. Amcricanseat with knives and forks; Japanese eat withchopsticks. Americans say"Hi"when they meet;Japanese bow. Many American men open doorfor women; Japanese men do not. On the suface,it appears that good manners in America are notgood manners in Japan, and in a way this istrue. But in any country, the manners that areimportant are those involving (涉及)one people' s behavior (行為)toward another person.In all countries it is good manners to behaveconsiderately toward others and bad mannersnot to. It is only the way of behaving politelythat differs from country to country.
  Fat on human beings is distributed(分布)in different ways. Some fat people have a largestomach and no waist line-which makes themlook round, rather like apples. Other are fatterbelow the waist,which makes them appearpear-shaped(梨形的).
  There are two types of fat external fat (fatunder the skin) and internal fat (fat inside thebody wall). Doctors who have been examiningthe relationship between health and fatness,have found that the'pears' have less internalfat, but the'apples'have more internal fat thanexternal fat. This seems to be what causes thehealth problems. The best treatment for fatnessis to reduce the internal fat. But unfortunately itseems that dieting(節食)simply makes an apple-shaped person into a smaller apple and apear-shaped person into a smaller pear. At themoment there is no known way of reducing theintenal rather than the external fat.
  61.The text is mainly about____.
  A.fatness and health
  B.ways to lose weight
  C.people's figure
  D.distribution of fat
  《大綱》中規定:“閱讀生詞率不超過3%,”也就是允許讀物中有3%的生詞率。有些學生在閱讀中一遇到不熟悉的詞或詞組就急于查字典、參考書,這樣做是不可取的,一則嚴重影響了閱讀速度,二則在考試中是不允許查字典的。因此熟練地掌握判斷詞義的技巧是非常有益的。一般說來,對與主題無關或不影響全文理解的詞可略過去;對有些影響理解的詞可通過上下文,也可根據構詞法判斷詞義。如:necessary-necessarity possible-possiblity 又如:Mr Hill worked in a hospital. His medical skill was good and got a lot ofmoney. His wife always thought a few womenloved him and made him give all his pay toher. He was angry with her at it but had to do asshe said. So he bought a safe and hid somemoney in it. Of course his wife didn' t knowabout it.
  1.The word"safe"in the story means.
  a.安全的 b.保險柜 c.冷藏柜
承德民族師專學校承德G381中學外語教與學董蕤20022002董蕤 河北承德一中 作者:承德民族師專學校承德G381中學外語教與學董蕤20022002

網載 2013-09-10 21:43:19

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