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Maison,pan de prairie, lumière du soirSoudain vous acquérez presque une face humaineVous êtes prês de nous,embrassants,embrassés.(par Rainer Maria Rilke.)
“Je dis ma Mère.Et c'est à vous que je pense, Maison!Maison des beaux étés obscurs de mon enfance.”(par O.V.de Milosz,Melancolie.)
Je rêve d'un logis,maison basse à fenêtresHautes,aux trois degrês usês,plats et berdisLogis pauvre et secret à l'air d'antique estampeQui ne vit qu'en moi-même,où je rentre parfoisM'asseoir pour oublier le jour gris et lapluie”(par André Lafon,Le rêve d'un logis.)
Je cueillis un nid dans le squelette du lierreUn nid doux de mousse champêtre et herbe de songe.”(par Yvan GoHH,Tombeau du père.)
“Le nid tiède et calmeOù chante I'oiseau……Rappelle les chansons,les charesLe seuil purDe la vieille maison.”(par Jean Caubère,Déserts,p.25.Debresse,Paris.)
C'est un escargot énormeQui descend de la montagneEt le ruisseau l'accompagneDe sa bave blancheTrès vieux,il n'a plus qu'une corneC'est son court clocher carré.詩人加上:這古堡就是彀:Le chteau est sa coquile…
我的影子形成一個會發聲響的彀,詩人靜聆自己的往事于自己身軀影子的彀內。“La vieille maison où vont et viennent L'étoile et la rose”
Der PantherSein Blick ist vom Vorüberger der Stbeso mud gewerden,daB er nichts mer hlt,Ihm ist,als ob es tausend Stbe gbeund hinter tausend Stber keine Welt.Der weiche Gang geschmeidig Starker Schritte,der sich im allerkleinsten Kreise dreht,ist wie ein Tanz von kraft um eine Mitte,in der betubt ein groBer Wille stéht. 豹子他的目光掃過鐵枝向外觀,這(目光)已經疲乏地在增長,它不能停留在任何物件上。對他來說似乎有一千根鐵枝,在鐵枝后已無存在的空間。他的威武柔和腳步,當他重覆地繞著圈子踱步,正如環繞著一個中心的舞步,而其中一個有威能的意志卻在止步。在這里值得一提的是劉克用聲韻學將這首詩的陽剛和陰柔之氣交互表達出來。德文本是陽剛的文字,劉克這首詩講豹子,用的是陽性冠詞,是剛中帶剛;可是他善用變元音,用變元音念便出陰柔之氣;在第一段他交互地用變元音入詩,表示陽剛的豹子在籠子里也顯現出陰柔的一面。
Lear:Read.Glo:What,with the case of eyes?Lear:O,ho,are you there with me?Noeyes in your head nor no money inyour purse?Your eyes are in a heavy case.Yourpurse in a light.yet you see how thisworld goes.Glo:I see it feelingly.Lear:What,art mad?A man maysee how this world goes with noeyes.Look with thine ears:see howyond justice rails upon yond simplethief.Hark,in thine ear-changeplaces,and,handy-dandy,which is the justice,which is the thief?用感情去“觀”,就是“以靈觀相”,這是最上乘的境界,遠在“以我觀物”,“以物觀物”的境界之上。莎士比亞開其端,而劉克能使之更上一層樓。劉克另一首詩《佛光》,將“以靈觀相”發揮到淋漓盡致:
Buddha in der GlorieMitte aller Mitten,Kern der Kerne,Mandel,die sich einschlieBt und versuβt,dieses,alles bis an alle Sterneist dein Fruchtfleisch:Sei gegruβt,Sieh,du fuhlst,wie nichts meh an dihngt;im Uendlichen ist deine Schale,und dort steht der Starke Saft und drngt.Und von auBen hilft ihm ein Gesirahle,denn ganz oben werden deine Sonnenvoll und gluhend umgedreht.Doch in dir ist schon begonnen.was die Sonnen ubersteht. 佛光中心中的中心,核心內的核心,杏仁自包,成長甜美,這個萬宵(宇宙)通至(遙遠)星際之外是你的法身。看,你感覺到空物攀著你你那無邊無界的法身,與在那里強流推波,照亮了你的無限庇佑。天上的恒星完全在增長灼耀環繞在你頭上,在眾恒星消亡之后,然而在你內正是美好的開端。這首詩的Mitte aller mitten,Kern der Kerne:就有中文里的樓外樓、天外天的氣魄。第二句Mandel,die sich einschliesst、更有“固本歸元”之意。第三段denn ganz oben werden deine Sonnen voll und gluhend umgedreht,Doch in dir ist schon begonnen,was die Sonnen ubersteht、有在靈性上佛光增長,轉自身的大法輪。劉克用die Sonnen ubersteht、強調佛光在佛身上比恒星太陽還要長久。這不是“以我觀物”,也不是“以物觀物”,而是“以靈觀相”。
Nacht in der KaserneTeerdunkle Nacht,Traum bei geoffneten Lidern.Genagelte Stiefel hallen in FliesengngenUnd in den den Kammem des Herzens wider,Wo sich Kommandos und Trauer sinnlos vermengen,Wo der Genruch von SchweiB und ungelufteten Spindenübers Geweb des Gefuhls wie mit Schimmel wchst.Schlafdunkle Nacht,oh deine Tiefe zu finden,Wo du die Lider uber ide Schweigenden decKst! 軍營之夜漆黑的深夜,夢中解開束縛。軍靴后跟的釘子在精致的地板上敲響著,與在荒廢了的室內的人心對抗著,那里有軍令,與莫動于衷的悲哀交織著,那里有臭汗的氣味,與不通風的閉室,在之上情感的纖維與松土中的真菌一同生長著,昏睡之夜,你至深之處我們在尋找著,在何處你的眼簾是覆蓋在沉靜的布罩之上!Sylvia Plath是美國女詩人,生長于麻州。她的父親是德國移民,母親是澳國人。詩人幼時受到父親的虐待,這與中國家庭,父親對子女期望高管教嚴厲并不相同;詩人幼年受到虐待,心靈上大受創傷,曾經自殺數次獲救。詩人最后自殺身亡。在這首詩Daddy中,她寫出要殺父,可惜沒有機會。在中國道學家的眼里,這是大逆不道、人子不孝之事。可惜現在美國,虐待幼童之事層出不窮;在中國更有扼殺女嬰之事。詩人自覺幼時猶住在黑鞋中的腳,這三十年來不敢呼吸或打噴嚏。她自己有如一個猶太人,給德國人壓得透不氣來。詩文如下:
Daddy Sylvia PlathYou do not do,you do not doAny more,black shoeIn which I have lived like a footFor thirty years,poor or white,Barely daring to breath or Achoo.Darelv I have had to kill you,You died betore I had time--Marble-heavy,a bag full of God,Ghostly statue with one grey toeBig as a Fiasco sealAnd a head in the freakish AtlanticWhere it pours bean green over blueIn the waters off beautiful Nauset.I used to pray to recover you.Ach,du.In the German tongue,in the Polish townScraped flat by the rollerOfwars,wars,wars.But the name of the town is common.My Polack friendSays there are a dozen or two.So I never could tell where youPut your foot,your root,I never could talk to you.The tongue stuck in my jaw.It stuck in a barb wire snare.Ich,ich,ich,ich,I could hardly speak.I thought every German was you.And the language obsceneAn engine,an engineChuffing me off like a Jew.A Jew to Dachau,Auschwitz,Belsen.I began to talk like a Jew.I think I may well be a Jew.The snows of the Tyrol,the clear beer of ViennaAre not very pure or true.With my gipsy ancestress and my wierd luckAnd my Taroc pack and my Taroc packI may be a bit of a Jew.I have always been scared of you.With your Luftwaffe,your gobbledygoo.And your neat mustacheAnd your Aryan eye,bright blue.Panzer-man,panzer-man,O You--Not God but a swastikaSo black no sky could squeak through.Every woman adores a Fascist,The boot in the face,the bruteBrute heart of a brute like you.You stand at the blackboard,daddy,In the picture I have of you,A cleft in your chin instead of your footBut no less a decil for that,no notAny less the black man whoBit my pretty red heart in two.I was ten when they buried you.At twenty I tried to dieAnd get back,back,back to you.I thought even the bonew would do.But they pulled me out of the sack,And they stuck me together with glue.And then I knew what to do.I make a model of you,A man in black with a Meinkampf lookAnd a love of the rack and the screw.And I said I do,I do.So daddy,I'm finally through.The black telephone's off at the root,The voices just can't worm through.If I've killed one man,I've killed two--The vampire who said he was youAnd drank my blood for a year,Seven years,if you want to know.Daddy,you can lie back now.There's a stake in your fat black heartAnd the villagers never liked you.They are dancing and stamping on you.They always knew it was you.Daddy,daddy,you bastard,I'm through.在波蘭的城鎮講德文,表達德國侵略波蘭。卷起舌頭講戰爭、戰爭、戰爭,因為德文戰爭是Krieg.要發卷舌音。
Ode to the west windO wild West Wind,then breath of Autumn's being,Thou,from whose unseen presence the leaves deadAre driven,like ghosts from an enchanterfleeing,Yellow,and black,and pale,and hectic red,Pestilence-striken multitudes:O thou,Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed.雪萊用Yellow,and black,and pale,and hectic red,這些顏色的組合有多么的美!再說英國冬天的黑暗,dark wintry bed,與上面一對照,從秋天到冬天的變化,借西風增加其動境,本身又蘊含著靜境,這給讀者創造了多大的空間!
Thou who didst wasken from his summer dreamsThe blue Mediteranean,where he lay,Lulled by the coil of his crystallinestreams,…Cleave themselves into chasms,while farbelowThe sea-blooms and the oozy woods which wearThe sapless foliage of the ocean,knowThy voice,and suddenly grow gray with fear,And tremble and despoil themselves:Oh,hear!雪萊先講summer dreams,用“blue”為靜,用“coil”為動;再說,聲音變成“gray”,用“Oh,hear!”結束,馬上聲視效應audio-visual effects呈現。
大自然是一座廟宇,它的生活支柱有時任憑混淆的言語走出去,人穿過象征的森林被熟悉的目光注視著。正如悠長的回音在遙遠的地方令人驚訝進入一個神秘深奧的結合,廣大的深夜又如日間的光明,所有的香氣、顏色和聲音互相呼應。香氣的清新如幼孩的肌膚,雙簧管的悅耳聲音,與草原上的青綠,還有其他的,腐敗的、絢麗的和得意的。無盡的事物的擴張傳播,有如龍涎香、麝香、安息香和乳香,歌唱著心靈和感官上的激情。Les Fleurs du Mal Charles Baudelairepllen et idéal,Chapter 4,“Correspondances”La Nature est un temple ou de vivants piliersLaissent parfois sortir de confuses paroles;L'homme y passe a travers des forets de symbolesQui I'observent avec des regards familiers.Comme de longs echos qui de loin se confondentCans une tenebreuse et protonde unité,Vaste comme la nuit et comme la clarté,Les parfums,les couleurs et les sons serépondent.II est des parfums frais comme des chairs d'enfants,Doux comme les hautbois verts comme les prairies,Et d'autres,corrompus riches et triomphants,Ayan I'expansion des choses infinies,Comme I'ambre,le musc,les benjoin et l'encens,Qui chantent les trancports de l'esprit et des sens.在這一首詩中,波德萊爾將香氣、顏色和聲音結合,用不同的方式擴張傳播;當今電腦界也正為聲音,視像和數位資料從事不同形式的輸送,是為多媒介。
Eugene Onegin Alexandel Pushkin“Diana's breast,the cheeks of Flora,all those are charrning!but to putit frankly,I'm a firm adorerof the Terpsichorean foot.”* * *
“Tatyana was her name…I own it,self willed it may be just the same,but it's the first time you'll have known it,a novel graced with such a name.”* * *
“So she was called Tatyana,Trulyshe lacked her sister's beauty,lackedthe rosy bloom that gloomed so newlyto catch the eye and to attract,Shy as a savage,silent,tearful,Wild as a forest deer,and fearful,Tatyana had a changeling lookin her own home.”* * *
“From early on she loved romances,they were her only food…and soshe fell in love with all the fanciesof Richardson and of Rousseau.”* * *
“But tell me,which one was Tatyana?”“She was the one who looked as stilland melancholy as Svetlana,and sat down by the window-sill.”“The one you love's the younger daughter?”“Why not?”“I'd choose the other quarterof I,like you,had been a bard.Olga's no life in her regard:the roundest face that you've set eyes on,a pretty girl exactly likeany Madonna by Van Dyck.A dumb moon,on,a dumb horizon.* * *
“Seeing herself as a creation-Clarissa,Julie,or Delphine-by writers of her admiration,Tatyana,lonely heroine,roamed the still forest like a ranger,sought in her book,that text of danger,the full front of her heart's desire,she sighed,and in a trance cooptedanother's joy,another's breast,bered by heart a note addressedto the hero that she'd adopted.* * *
“Tanya(profoundly Russian being,herself not knowing how or why)in Russian winters thrilled at seeingthe cole perfection of the sky,hoar-frost and sun in freezing weather,Sledges,and tardy dawns togetherwith the pink glow the snow assumeand festal evenings in the gloom.”* * *
“Prepared for prophecy and fable,she did what nurse advised she doand in the bath-house had a tablethat night,in secret,set for two,then sudden fear attacked Tatyana…I too-when I recall SvetlanaI'm terrified-So let it be…Tatyana's rite are not for me.She's dropped her Sash's silken billow,Tanya's undressed,and lies in bed.Lel floats about above her head,and underneath her downy pillowa young girl's looking-glass is kept.”奪人目精,靜如處子,動若躍兔。
“I live like a cuckoo in a clock,I am not jealous of the forest birds.They wind me up--and I cuckoo.You know-such a fateI could only wishFor someone I hate.”“He loved three things in life:Evensong,white peacocksAnd old maps of America.He hated it ehen chidren cried,He hated tea with rapsberry jamAnd women's hysterics.…And I was his wife.”
“When someone dies,His portraits change.The eyes gaze in a different way and hislipsSmile a different smile.I noticed it when I returnedFrom a certain poet's funeral.And since then I've checked frequently,And my conjecture has been confirmed.”安娜在另一首詩中講到與另一詩人N.V.N之間的感情時,她自己是有夫之婦,相愛又不能愛:
“There is a sacred boundary between those who are close,And it cannot be crossed by passion or love--Though lips fuse in dreadful silenceAnd the heart shatters to pieces of love.”我們不必以中國的道學家的態度去指責安娜以有夫之婦身份去戀愛別的詩人。中國人講“心碎”,安娜寫出每一塊碎的心,都有愛。
Piedra de sol Octavio Pazvoy entre galerías de conidos,fluyo entre les presencias resonanes,…voy por'tu cuerpo como por el imundo,tu vientre es una plaza soleada,tus pechos dos iglesias donde oficiala sangre sus misterios parolelos…vestida de color,de mis deseoscomo mi pensamiento vas desnuda,vor por tus ojos,como por el agualos tigers beben sueno en esos ojosel colibríse quema en esas llamasvor por tu frente como por la luna,como la nube por tu pensamietovoy por tu vientre como por tus suenos,譯文:太陽石
網載 2013-09-10 21:49:24